Brian Lee « Wrestlers Database « CAGEMATCH - The Internet …
Brian Lee Chainz Undertaker . Roles: Singles Wrestler (1988 - 2014) Tag Team Wrestler (1988 - 2014) Beginning of in-ring career: 1988. End of in-ring career: 27.06.2014. In-ring experience: 26 years. Wrestling style: Brawler. Trainer: Rocky Montana. Nicknames: "Bulldozer" "Prime Time" Signature moves:
Brian Lee « Wrestlers Database « CAGEMATCH - The Internet …
Brian Lee Chainz Undertaker . Roles: Singles Wrestler Tag Team Wrestler. Beginning of in-ring career: 1988. End of in-ring career: 27.06.2014. In-ring experience: 26 years. Wrestling style: Brawler. Trainer: Rocky Montana. Nicknames: "Bulldozer" "Prime Time" Signature moves: The Cancellation Prime Time Slam.
Career highlights « Brian Lee « Wrestlers Database - CAGEMATCH
Internet Wrestling Database. 1: 27.06.2014 : End of active in-ring career: 2: 30.11.2003: End of the "Raven gegen die New Church" feud
Matches « Brian Lee « Wrestlers Database - CAGEMATCH
Three On Two Handicap: Brian Lee, Mordecai & Soultaker defeat Brian Christopher & Shock
Matchguide « Brian Lee « Wrestlers Database - CAGEMATCH
Brian Lee & Slash vs. Chris Harris & James Storm vs. Don Harris & Ron Harris vs. Justin Credible & Perry Saturn: Tag Team Four Corners : 3: ... The Undertaker vs. The Undertaker : Singles: 1.84: 42: 42: 05.08.1994: Brian Lee & Chris Candido vs. Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson: Tag Team : 43: 21.06.1994: Tatanka vs. The Undertaker :
Comments « Brian Lee « Wrestlers Database - CAGEMATCH
Nov 9, 2007 · [4.0] "A decent if unremarkable brawler, after a several-year run in Smoky Mountain Wrestling, Lee found his most prominent role was as the fake Undertaker in 1994 WWF, filling in for his real-life cousin when the real Undertaker was out injured. The role culminated with a "mirror match" against the real Undertaker at SummerSlam '94.
Career « Brian Lee « Wrestlers Database - CAGEMATCH
Year: Total: Jan: Feb: Mar: Apr: May: Jun: Jul: Aug: Sep: Oct: Nov: Dec: 2014: 7
Titles « Brian Lee « Wrestlers Database - CAGEMATCH
May 30, 2014 · CAGEMATCH » Wrestlers Database » Brian Lee » Titles. Brian Lee Also known as Chainz, Undertaker. Overview; Articles; Career; Career highlights; Titles; Matches; ... Title Reigns. Timeframe: Title: Duration: Details: 30.05.2014 - 27.06.2014: NWA Southern Tag Team Champion (with Lee Condry as The Primetime Outlaws) 28 days: Matches: 13.11.2002 ...
Ratings « Brian Lee « Wrestlers Database - CAGEMATCH
Am besten war er bei SMW und ECW als Prime Time Brian Lee, hier hatte er eine gute Fehde als Teil von Ravens Flock mit Tommy Dreamer. Als Biker bei den DoA in Ordnung, aber doch recht blass wie die ganze Gruppierung.
Entourage « Brian Lee « Wrestlers Database - CAGEMATCH
Brian Lee: NWA TNA: 2002-2003: 4: Tammy Fytch: Brian Lee: SMW : 5: Ted DiBiase: Undertaker : WWF: 1994: Managed. No items were found that match the search parameters. Trained. Displaying items 1 to 2 of total 2 items that match the search parameters. # …