Flags were at half staff at the State Capitol Wednesday, honoring talk show host Rush Limbaugh, but not on any other state building. This may be the first time honoring some who has died by lowering ...
More than 50 cities in Florida have installed cameras at busy intersections to catch red Light runners, even though a 2005 opinion said the cameras, while illegal, could not be used to fine motorists.
The Governor and the Legislature have announced comprehensive proposals in response to the Parkland School shooting to increase school safety and prevent the mentally ill from acquiring guns. Both ...
A three-year push to replace the statue of Confederate General Kirby Smith currently representing Florida in the nation’s Capitol is on its way to the Governor’s desk. The replacement will be civil ...
People who fire a warning shot instead of shooting someone would not be charged with aggravated assault and go to prison under legislation moving quickly though the state legislature. Supporters say ...
From clothing, to rope, to building insulation, a group of would be entrepreneurs want the state to legalize industrial hemp. The weed, a non euphoric version of marijuana is a cash crop in some ...
People hungry and fed up with long waiting periods to get food stamps are turning to food banks to feed their families. Florida’s food banks gave away 72 million pounds of food last year. Food bank ...
The former Vice Chairman of the Citizens Task Force that studied the state’s Stand Your Ground law is calling on Governor Rick Scott to repeal the law. The state never followed through on a study of ...
A March first deadline looms for Florida Democrats to make their voice heard at the national convention. That’s the day the national party certifies delegates around the nation. As Mike Vasilinda ...
Florida lawmakers are once again looking to make changes to the Florida High School Athletic Association. A bill approved by its first Senate committee Tuesday would require FHSAA to allow schools, ...
More than 350,000 people experience cardiac arrest outside of a hospital each year in the United States. Of those, more than 7,000 are children. The difference between life and death often comes down ...
Governor Ron DeSantis unveiled a plan this morning to clear a backlog of students on a waiting list for the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship. DeSantis is asking the Legislature to create a new “Equal ...