Elizabeth Olsen reveals that she has pitched a story for Scarlet Witch's MCU return, and it would be very different from the ...
Warning! Spoilers ahead for Marvel's MCU tie-in TVA comic! The MCU’s Scarlet Witch took a harsh turn from Avenger, to ...
Elizabeth Olsen reflects on the prospects of returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch.
Scarlet Witch actress Elizabeth Olsen recently opened up about her thoughts regarding the character’s future in the MCU.
Elizabeth Olsen wants to return as Wanda—this time, with chaos magic, a massive white wig, and enough wrinkles to make us do ...
Elizabeth Olsen's Wanda Maximoff seemingly dies at the end of 2022's "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness," but - as ...
WandaVision star Elizabeth Olsen has talked candidly about Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness' reshoots and reveals ...
Elizabeth Olsen has confirmed she missed Doctor Strange 2 reshoots and revealed her pitch for Scarlet Witch’s future in the ...
Funny enough, the discourse surrounding Wanda's fate recently heated up. Comics showed Scarlet Witch captured by the TVA, ...
The latest issue of Marvel Comics' TVA hits shelves tomorrow, and it confirms that the Wanda Variant we saw in issue 3's ...
Scarlet Witch variant crushed by mountain in TVA #4, echoing her fate in Multiverse of Madness. Artist Pere Perez clarifies ...
We haven't seen the last of Scarlet Witch in the MCU, or at least that's what Elizabeth Olsen's recent comments seem to imply ...