The issue opens with Green Lantern John Stewart making a self-admittedly dramatic entrance, declaring that intergalactic criminal Kanjar Ro is under arrest. However, tensions quic ...
Jeremy Adams, currently of Green Lantern and Aquaman comics, has signed a multi-year exclusive contract to write comic books for DC Comics. Expect more of this for ComicsPRO week… and for Jeremy Adams ...
Green Lantern Issue 20 tells two stories that show the extremes of the fractured spectrum across the span of the universe.
All brought to you by the great galactic creative team of Jeremy Adams (Green Lantern), Morgan Hampton (Cyborg) and Fernando Pasarin (The Flash)! How fascinating that this comic centers around ...
Green Lantern's inability to affect yellow things is one of the strangest superhero weaknesses, but this Green Lantern just made it incredibly badass.
Green Lantern film generated a lot of controversy, but one writer had an interesting reaction to Ryan Reynold’s pre-Deadpool role.
Warning: Spoilers for Green Lantern Corps #1Green Lantern has pulled off plenty of astounding feats over the years, but his latest upgrade just cemented him as a powerhouse at Superman's level.