For the first several years of his professional wrestling career, Paul Wight wrestled in WCW as The Giant, a character who commentary continually insisted was the son of Andre the Giant.
Ben Fogle discovered a couple living off grid in the Isle of Wight faced the risk of their home dropping into the sea at any moment. In the latest episode of his Channel 5 show New Lives In The Wild, ...
Homes and businesses on the Isle of Wight have been left with low pressure or no running water overnight after a water main burst. Southern Water said the problem near Golf Links Road, Sandown ...
It is the largest single build of "affordable" homes on the Isle of Wight for years - but the 145 new properties under construction in Newport have not been classed as affordable in line with ...
A module for PF2e on FoundryVTT that provides a level up assistant for players. Upon level up completion, the wizard will send a confirmation message in chat to all players detailing selected feats ...
With this module, the players or Gamemaster can notice when one character helped support another, and point it out or narrate it. For example, if the Fighter got a critical hit against a goblin only ...