For the second time in a month, all European Union nations but Hungary signed a joint statement Thursday backing Ukraine.
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - All EU leaders except for Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban backed a statement on Thursday ...
Orbán’s semi-authoritarian regime openly flouts freedom, democracy, the rule of law, minority rights, pluralism, tolerance ...
Europe now faces the greatest challenge since its formation. The continent’s peace, prosperity and core values depend on ...
Hungary's opposition Tisza Party has launched 'Voice of the Nation' referendum, aiming to gauge public opinion on a range of ...
Viktor Orbán has reiterated his ideas on migration and war. He highlighted his country’s commitment to independent ...
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico, left, speaks with Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban during a round table meeting ...
All EU leaders, except Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, have endorsed a statement reaffirming their unwavering support ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban considered Vladimir Zelensky's speech at the EU summit unfriendly and said that he had ...
„Európában egyedül Orbán Viktor áll a béke pártján” – írja posztjában Bohár Dániel, a Patrióta YouTube-csatorna riportere, ...
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