Approximately 1,163 Wisconsinites are listed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. Now, with a traveling exhibit at the Peplin Memorial VFW Post 8280 in Kronenwetter, they’re being ...
Here are some activities and entertainments to enjoy in the San Fernando Valley and the greater Los Angeles area.
National Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day ceremony at the Gold Star Families Memorial Auditorium on the CT Veterans Affairs ...
Opening Day is finally upon us, and we need to shed some light on a handful of veterans who are surprisingly still free agents.
Lt. David Toler said all of their police dogs have had a significant impact, and not just in Woodhaven, but also in assisting ...
With the last helicopter evacuations flying out of Saigon, South Vietnam on April 30, 1975, and the fall of the capital and ...
Instead, images of Operation HerStory's first all-female flight, in partnership with Honor Flight Chicago, was one of nearly ...
Pasco, Wash. – House Bill 1106, spearheaded by Rep. Stephanie Barnard, R-Pasco to allow more veterans to qualify for tax relief, passed the State House unanimously March 12. Barnard emphasized ...
Veterans with diagnoses related to gender identity increased from 2,513 to 10,457 between 2011 to 2021. Current data shows an average of 17.6 veteran suicides per day. Suicide remains the second ...
appeared to head off what was shaping up as another down day for the markets as stocks rallied by midday. The latest BLS report came at the end of a week in which new Veterans Affairs Secretary ...
The 24/7 hotline receives thousands of calls from veterans daily. In February, the crisis responders fielded an average of 2,870 a day. They also respond to hundreds of texts and website chats ...
Veterans make up thirty percent of the federal ... from terminating members of the Guard and Reserve from their civilian day jobs while their units are activated. The Kansas veteran, like so ...