A huge cleanup effort at the Gulf State Park Pier is set for this weekend as dozens of scuba divers and snorkelers take part ...
Scientists aren't sure exactly why the events are increasing, but say it's likely attributed to a variety of factors.
Share articleMiami’s sunny beaches aren’t just popular with tourists–hundreds of nesting sea turtles flock to Miami-Dade’s ...
Fifteen Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles, the world’s most endangered sea turtle species, were released on Grand Isle Beach ...
For information about Volusia County’s sea turtle program, call 386-238-4716 or go to volusiaseaturtles.org. For questions about sea turtle-friendly lighting, call 386-238-4773.
Beginning March 10 and continuing for four other Mondays through May 12, the Tiny Turtles program offers 4- and 5-year-olds time to explore the natural world around them at the Hunt Utilities ...
TurtleFest’s Junior Vet Lab teaches children about common injuries and illnesses affecting sea turtles. (Loggerhead Marinelife Center/Courtesy) Take part in a 30-minute program educating ...
There are nine public opportunities available throughout the Treasure Coast to observe sea turtles during the season.