Carney, it seems, is economical with the truth, he has a faulty memory, he’s not familiar with the eighth commandment from the Bible.
Overall, 44% of U.S. adults say the Bible is extremely important or very important in their lives, while 19% say the Bible is somewhat important, and 37% say the Bible is not too important or not at ...
The Oklahoma Department of Education has opened the bidding process for a Bible-based curriculum designed for public elementary school children, according to a newly posted Request for Proposal. The ...
POLOKWANE – Bible League International, a non-profit organisation dedicated to supplying Bibles worldwide through various programmes, has launched audio Bibles to cater to the needs of the ...
Tom Campbell has lived the American Dream. A dream that had its beginnings in the nutrient-rich soils of North Dakota’s Red River Valley, where, once upon a time, he was raised as the son of a humble ...
Recently, I discovered that the Bible says there can be numerous “antichrists,” not just one. “You have heard that the Antichrist is coming, and now many antichrists have already come” (1 ...