Wait -- what exactly is a tripel? Is it three times the amount of flavor and alcohol content? As it turns out, tripel does translate to triple, but there isn't really a definitive formula to what ...
While the name tripel is pronounced just like the American spelling of triple, the beer itself is not the same as, say, a triple IPA. The beers were originally created by Trappist monks (those who ...
Zum dritten Mal in Folge holte sich die 1. Jugendmannschaft der Gemütlichkeit Hollenbach den Meistertitel in der höchsten ...
Die in diesem Satz enthaltene Methode zur Konstruktion primitiver Pythagoräischer Tripel war vermutlich schon den Babyloniern bekannt. Interessant ist die Umkehrung, nämlich daß man dadurch alle ...