Looking to complete Going Goblin Mode quickly in World of Warcraft? Here's a complete guide to the achievement, including ...
You’ve got plenty of time to finish the March of the Goblins event in Diablo 4, but this guy did it in just an hour.
Blades Of Greed, the third in a trilogy of goblin stealth games known for puke-based mechanics and many a snarky note-to-self. I never completed the previous Styx: Master Of Shadows or Styx: Shards Of ...
The bug causes treasure or loot goblins to bug out and not leave loot behind or split into two or more goblins, as they are supposed to. The bug first appeared in Diablo 3, where when you killed ...
Right now, goblins in D4 are just loot piñatas that scatter some goodies and disappear. But imagine if they could also open a portal to a loot-filled dungeon. That would elevate this event from “fun” ...
Takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love Issues delivered straight to your door or device The Diablo 4 Goblin event is here again, marking the return of the March of the Goblins for 2025.
In the mid noughties, a Ukrainian living in Kyiv could enjoy the luxury of boredom. In the wake of the anti-corruption Orange Revolution - "good times of hope, when we felt like we were the ...
A new March of the Goblins event has started in Diablo 4, introducing new treasure goblins to the game that are staying around for good.
Each Goblin variant can drop unique rewards from gold and crafting materials to ultra-rare Mythic Unique items. While Treasure Goblins have a relatively high spawn rate during this event, they are ...
Slaying Goblins will increase your Reputation leading to additional rewards. There's also an increased chance you'll encounter larger packs of Treasure Goblins and stumble upon more Greed Shrines ...
which subsequently increases your chance of receiving goblin treasure bags. But never fear — their standard rarity does not apply. After all, how else will you kill your way through their ranks? The ...