Last week’s Torah portion, Tetzaveh, stands out because Moses’s name is absent—the only time from his birth until the end of ...
One may wonder why Parshat Tetzave starts at the end of Perek כז, with the oil for the Menora, which was already mentioned in the beginning of Teruma (שמן למאור) it would probably make more sense to ...
The true test of any civilization is not whether it can withstand its enemies, but whether it can justify its own existence beyond them.
Consider, first of all, the passage we’ve just seen from near the beginning of the book of Exodus, when God tells Moses that ...
God commands the Children of Israel to build a Sanctuary for Him, providing excruciating detail regarding every aspect of its ...
What does it mean to love our children equally? It’s a question that many families wrestle with, especially when each parent’s and child’s personality, needs, and circumstance vary so widely.
When I discovered incense, in the wilds of the Venice Beach Boardwalk, as a young man in, probably, the late eighties, I didn ...
What are these psychological lessons that we can learn from the Torah this week? Tetzaveh teaches that true spiritual growth ...
In the back of the Choshen Mishpat there was a slip of parchment, known as the Urim Ve’tumim, containing G-d’s ineffable name. G-d was behind every decision the judges rendered. Even those decisio ...
Rabbi Pinto concluded with a powerful message: “One who controls his desires ultimately controls his destiny. The Yetzer Hara ...
Clothes  In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Polonius tells his son Laertes to dress well because “apparel oft proclaims the man.” Now ...
Speaking of evil, there is an extra very important reading this week called parashat Zachor, where we read about the ...