Here is how to find all of them. These Sprite Shrines are interactable giant stone structures spread all over the island and are noticeable through their significant and massive lighting.
A Rauh Burrow inhabited by a sprite. Craftable item. Uses FP to release a sprite that slowly homes in on enemies. After a short time, the sprite fades away into glittering lights, causing a ...
It'll take a lot of essence to keep a fleet of Water Sprite Statues going, so think carefully before you place them. Once you complete the quest and craft your Stone Refinery, you can make ...
Place an essence stone in the Animal Sprite Statue to power it--and remember to check back every day or so to see if it needs a new one, as the smaller essence stones run out of juice quickly.
A Rauh Burrow inhabited by a fire sprite. Craftable item. Uses FP to release a fire sprite that bounces along the ground. The sprite pierces through enemies, dealing fire damage. Of all the ...