Sebuah unggahan bernarasi mengorek hidung bisa menyebabkan pembuluh arteri pecah, beredar di media sosial. Begini penjelasan dokter.
An atrial septal aneurysm (ASA) occurs when a bulge forms in the atrial septum, the membrane separating the heart's upper left and upper right chambers (atria). The atrial septum usually is relatively ...
If there is one dish that Malaysians can never say no to, it would be nasi lemak. Its ubiquitous flavours are something that many hold close to their hearts and you can have it any time of day. For ...
Septorhinoplasty combines two types of surgery: septoplasty and rhinoplasty. A septoplasty restores breathing and helps prevent chronic sinusitis by repairing the septum inside your nose. Rhinoplasty ... - Nasi biasanya akan awet disimpan dalam lemari es, bisa bertahan beberapa hari hingga minggu. Namun, tidak semua memiliki lemari es untuk menyimpan nasi, kamu bisa menempatkan nasi pada ...
We know the feeling. And we're blaming Florence Pugh for our latest craving: a septum piercing. Whether you've run out of room for more ear piercings or simply like the trending style, we've got ...