Furoscix is expected to be available for CKD patients in April 2025. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has expanded the approval of Furoscix ® (furosemide injection) to include the treatment ...
Furosemide injection was previously approved to treat congestion from fluid buildup in adults with chronic heart failure. Last year, the drug developer noted that FDA feedback from a 2023 Type D ...
Furosemide is the most widely prescribed loop diuretic in the setting of systolic heart failure (HF), yet torsemide has been shown to have less inter- and intra-individual variation in ...
“Perbuatan tersangka AS yang telah memproduksi atau mengedarkan sediaan farmasi dan atau alat kesehatan yang tidak memenuhi standar dan/atau persyaratan keamanan, khasiat/kemanfaatan, dan mutu ...