At least 28,724 families composed of 45,844 individuals from a city and eight towns in Eastern Samar were affected by ...
Local officials in Samar Island are preparing all necessary documents to make sure that the proposed PHP11.9-billion “Unity ...
(Dominga Rivera of Barangay Calapi in Motiong, Samar, receives her e-title, including those of her relatives who failed to ...
The death of three members of the New People’s Army (NPA) during a series of clashes on March 16 in Mapanas, Northern Samar ...
TACLOBAN CITY, Philippines — A coastal municipality in Eastern Samar has shifted to solar power as a cost-effective electricity source and to promote renewable energy. Guiuan town has partnered ...
The University of San Diego's Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science (HSON) is a community of progressive scholars and practitioners in an intellectually rigorous, research-intensive environment.
TACLOBAN CITY — A municipality that is home to the longest coastline in Samar, covering 181.96 km, is ramping up efforts to combat post-harvest fish losses through a comprehensive five-year ...