At the ranch near Hitterdal, MN Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar Sales Manager: Seth Leachman Averages:55 Yearling Bulls: $6,40121 ...
Find out why some packages look bright red while others appear brownish (and if one color is safer or healthier than the ...
Father-son duo sort through a large Hereford competition during Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
What a day for the Ravenscroft Family! Valentine Livestock was packed with some of the area’s most reputation Red Angus breeders looking to add functional bull to their programs. The Ravenscrofts ...
Three major appearances in the same shade in three months’ time might not be a coincidence. Rachel Burchfield is the contributing royals editor at InStyle, where she covers news about the ...
McMahon Angus’ second annual bull sale is coming up Wednesday, March 19 at the Mankota Weigh Station. Red and black Angus yearling bulls are on offer. Black Angus genetics were purchased two years ago ...
Os pecuaristas têm visto um aumento na procura dos animais para a recria, o que contribui para uma subida das cotações do bezerro. Com o aquecimento da atividade no país, a Emater-MG espera ...
Neste trabalho, é descrito o caso de um bezerro mestiço recém-nascido que apresentava atresia anal tipo 2, fístula uretrorretal congênita, bolsa escrotal bífida e pseudo-hermafroditismo masculino. O ...
But shadow treasurer Angus Taylor is warning voters about "grim ... the purchasing power of our wages so effectively. The red line in the graph is the consumer price index. It shows how prices ...
A relação de troca boi/bezerro, mês passado, teve queda de 3,23% em relação a janeiro, e os preços de reposição registraram valorização no comparativo mensal. A cotação média do ...