There are a few The Lord of the Rings characters whose book versions differ greatly from the movies, sometimes for the better ...
Mirkwood was eventually saved from evil, but it wasn’t easy. After being vanquished during the Last Alliance, the spirit of ...
The Hobbit's publication, Peter Jackson brought Bilbo's adventure from the page to the silver screen, but not everyone was ...
Due to different interpretations of J.R.R. Tolkien's text, the Lord of the Rings fanbase is split on whether Balrogs have ...
Sauron never uses his shape-shifting power in The Lord of the Rings, despite it being one of his best abilities, and there’s ...
They Shall Not Grow Old is more than a documentary. Peter Jackson's exploration of World War I also serves as a spectacle of ...
Ferocious human-like monsters that battle hobbits and heroes in the blockbuster film “The Fellowship of the Ring” owe their voices to a serendipitous drive into the ...