Residents in parts of southern and central Ohio could see or hear fighter jets flying over their homes Wednesday morning.
Lockheed P2V Neptune [A89] During the Second World War, the Royal Air Force developed a radar equipped Hudson bomber to ...
It has been discussed that the UK Royal Air Force fighters could provide air cover for a potential peacekeeping contingent in ...
With sabotage risks on NATO’s mind, formations like this are rising to new prominence in national force structures.
Two North Korean nationals who were found adrift on a wooden boat in the West Sea earlier this month are currently under ...
The U.S. will tranfer another coast guard cutter to Sri Lanka in 2026, according to a statement from its embassy here on ...
The US military has its high-altitude U-2 "Dragon Lady" spy planes and other reconnaissance aircraft flying patrol missions along the southern border, a senior Air Force officer has confirmed on ...
USS America (LHA-6) and forward deployed 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) wrapped up their winter patrol on Mar. 6. The ...