So, your cat has a bloated belly? Well, there really are a variety of reasons your cat might appear bloated. Some are totally ...
Veterinarians, parasite councils, researchers, the animal health sector and others have come together to launch the first ...
Well, as I was so pleasantly reminded when I found an embedded tick on one of my indoor/outdoor cats, parasites can occur year-round and don’t follow a strict calendar that determines when they ...
IT is not well-known that stray cats that have not been dewormed often carry zoonotic parasites (parasites that can be transmitted from animals to humans). I carried out surveys on faecal samples ...
Maybe a parasitic infection was egging them along. Specifically, a microorganism called Toxoplasma gondii. Toxo, as it's colloquially known, has a baroque life cycle. It reproduces in cat species ...
A faecal test, which can be done during a routine visit, is a quick and effective way to check for intestinal parasites. Vets ...