Ram Gopal Varma shared in his X post that as the film Satya was coming to a close, he was deeply moved and overwhelmed by the experience of watching it after 27 years.
Verse’s repeated delays might make it harder for Miles Morales to reach his full Marvel movie potential anytime soon.
Ram Gopal Varma’s iconic crime-drama Satya made a return to theatres, 27 years after it first hit the screens in 1998.
China's advanced ticket bookings for movies set to be released during the upcoming Spring Festival holiday have reached 200 ...
Horror has become one of the most profitable genres in cinema today, pulling in both longtime fans and new viewers. In 2025, ...
Sabrina most often keeps her life as private as possible. Recently she is noticed with an Irish actor Barry Keoghan. Both of ...
A Cody, Wyoming filmmaker, is a coproducer for the documentary “Free Leonard Peltier” that will debut next week at the ...
Netflix has released a new original movie that has immediately rocketed to #1 on the service, but is Back in Action with ...
From long-awaited sequels like 28 Years Later to exciting remakes like Frankenstein, these are the most hotly anticipated ...
Internalized misogyny” is not a phrase you’ll hear me say very often, but I think it’s weirdly appropriate when it comes to ...
The two films have been talked about nonstop: do they live up to their expectations?
Full list of the 25 most anticipated films coming to theaters and streaming services like Netflix and Disney+.