If forced to name the greatest pianist before the public today, or indeed for the last sixty years, many of us would have ...
Maestro Tadeusz Strugała obchodzi swoje 90. urodziny! Z tej okazji składamy serdeczne życzenia zdrowia i nieustającej energii. Z uznaniem wspominamy wieloletnią działalność art. Mistrza, pełną pasji i ...
A glamorous figure in classical music, the elegant, golden-haired Ms. Tipo was able to elicit a rainbow’s worth of tonal ...
The BBC singers gave an outstanding rendition of the Scottish composer’s Ordo Virtutum, but this 2020 piece itself feels a ...
Widely admired for her recordings of Scarlatti and Clementi, Maria Tipo was a prolific concert artist and influential teacher at conservatories in Florence, Geneva and Bolzano.