RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — Living the Dream Inc. will be holding its fifth annual MLK Memorial and Awards Program on April 5. The ...
For the past seven years on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, children from a Washington, D.C., elementary school have climbed the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to proclaim "I have a dream," just as Dr ...
Located on the northwest rim of the Tidal Basin, this 30-foot granite memorial pays homage to civil rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Everything from its address at 1964 Independence Ave.
In honor of the legacy of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Annual Memorial Program will be held at 6 p.m. April 3 at the King Monument Plaza, corner of South  Ashley Street and Martin Luther ...
Tennessee lawmakers for the first time honored the work of 15 enslaved men rented by the State of Tennessee in the 1800s to build the State Capitol.
Carroll School of Management junior Esosasehia (Esosa) Owens, a leader and advocate for accessible education, is the winner of this year’s Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Scholarship. University ...
Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a U.S. holiday and national day of service. It took a long time for the country to get there It was first proposed four days after King's 1968 assassination outside a ...