DPP government says more than 760 statues of Chiang, who ruled the island for nearly ... all remaining statues of late president Chiang Kai-shek from public spaces in what is seen as a bid to ...
At times, his reasoning is confused. Having, to his credit, noted that approval ratings of president number five, Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) dropped below those of his predecessor Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁), Copper ...
Given his knowledge of China and career as a newsman why did Henry Luce so doggedly continue to support and promote Chiang-Kai shek in the face of the deteriorating situation in China in the 1940’s.
Key Point: Sometimes events don’t go the way you want. In the summer of 1949, Chiang Kai-shek and his Republic of China (ROC) government appeared doomed. Shanghai and Nanjing, then China’s..
He and Ai-ling had four children. Ai-ling was also an active supporter of Chiang Kai-shek's right-wing Kuomintang Party, while her husband held important positions in the Nationalist government.
Dulles' statement was made public in Washington while the secretary was flying home from talks at Taipei, Formosa, with Chiang Kai-shek. A communique issued at Taipei on the Dulles-Chiang ...
A recently declassified nuclear target list shows how the U.S. planned to use its nuclear weapons in the late-1950s.