The Femtofox Pro v1 kit is a compact, low-power LoRa and Meshtastic development board running Linux specially designed for Meshtastic networks. Built around the Luckfox Pico Mini (Rockchip RV1103) SBC ...
NAMPA, Idaho (CBS2) — A multi-vehicle crash on I-84 westbound at milepost 33 near the Karcher connector in Nampa blocked all lanes Tuesday morning. The roads are open again.
This is a beta release for spark 3.4 spark-mssql connector. Connector jar is available below as spark-mssql-connector_2.12-1.4.0-BETA. The connector is available on ...
The Databricks SQL Connector for Python allows you to develop Python applications that connect to Databricks clusters and SQL warehouses. It is a Thrift-based client with no dependencies on ODBC or ...