The regulatory team is documenting federal and state law for minimizing induced seismicity associated with wastewater disposal for oil and gas development and for mitigating the influence of injection ...
The Tiampo group uses InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) to study the surface deformation associated with induced seismicity. InSAR time-series analysis, achieved through a collection of ...
In addition to high rates of problematic induced seismicity stemming from deep injection, injection above oil productive zones, which defines shallow injection, has pressurized those reservoirs ...
To discover whether the plug backs and volume reductions led to less induced seismicity, Skoumal and his colleagues created several earthquake models that use data on plug backs, total wastewater ...
As lead scientist in PMC Induced Seismicity I also identify key knowledge gaps and develop new research projects targeted towards seismic monitoring for process understanding, and aim to integrate lab ...
The applications of this work are found in induced seismicity, deep earthquakes, as well as oil and gas exploration and development. He has worked in both academia and in industry and has conducted ...
According to the USGS, fracking, mining and building dams have all been attributed to induced seismicity, where an earthquake is caused by human activity. In the south-central United States ...
If we take the Netherlands as example, since centuries the slow sinking of the ground is exacerbated by the human-controlled drainage of peatland, and more recently induced seismicity became a major ...