With the 24% cuts and PEPFAR discontinued, we estimated there could be 4.43 million to 10.75 million additional HIV ...
The CDC's potential 'streamlining' of programs to prevent HIV has two Southern California health agencies worried the ...
If the past four decades have taught us anything about HIV, it's to adjust our expectations—despite enormous progress in ...
The United Nation’s HIV/AIDS program estimates millions more deaths around the world over the next four years if U.S. funding ...
Kabid Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit (P2P) Dinkes Kabupaten Pangandaran, Rina Veriany, mengatakan, dari jumlah 55 kasus ...
Ada berbagai jenis penyakit menular seksual dengan gejala yang beragam, mulai dari yang ringan hingga memiliki dampak yang ...
After decades of failed attempts, scientists were optimistic that a new generation of HIV vaccine candidates would finally ...
A study published in Lancet HIV Thursday showed that patients who received gender-affirming hormones were 37% less likely to ...
Berdasarkan data Sistem Informasi HIV-AIDS dan IMS (SIHA) tahun 2023, Jawa Barat menjadi provinsi dengan kasus HIV/AIDS ...
Kasus HIV/AIDS di Kota Bogor masih cukup tinggi, yakni menempati peringkat kedua di Jawa Barat dalam jumlah kasus terbanyak.
Orang dengan HIV dapat hidup layaknya orang normal, tetapi saat memasuki AIDS stadium 3 atau 4 kondisinya akan memulai semakin buruk.
Despite substantial progress towards achieving the UNAIDS 95–95–95 targets,1 the global HIV response continues to be undermined by a multitude of complex, interrelated challenges. Persistent stigma ...