During a joint press conference with Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Trump announced his idea for the U.S. to take ...
Have you ever wondered how you could make a simple task more complicated? Maybe not, but that’s exactly what a group of 4-H’ers did this year as a part of a challenge to think outside ...
The world is soon going to be a little bit less MAD – and the poorer for it. The quintessential baby boomer-era satire mag, MAD magazine has announced it will soon contain only re-published ...
The Hardy’s Race for the Lake on Lake Decatur was recently awarded the Race Site of the Year by the American Power Boat ...
We know our recent technical problems have been frustrating. Our dedicated team of designers and editors have been working ...
After this weekend, football season will be over, but if you're a Cowboys fan, the season pretty much ended months ago.
Of the 39 Head Start programs in the state, at least six were still unable to access federal funds as of Thursday.