The actor, who was found guilty of assaulting his ex-girlfriend in December 2023, has been trying to rehab his image.
If you knew Jay Lowder as a 21 year old, you'd never expect him to become a full-time evangelist. â€œI know what it’s like to ...
Insofar as curiosity is an expression of pride and a vessel for temptation, it is certainly right for Christians to caution ...
As my friend Leon Wieseltier said about Benjamin Netanyahu, and it’s true of Trump as well: He’s a small man in a big time.
"Just keep trying mom. God going to make a way for us. He always made a way for everyone," he said in a phone call.
The All-Pro wide receiver and Super Bowl 56 MVP with the Los Angeles Rams arrives in Seattle not trying to prove anybody wrong.
The biological mother of the man allegedly held caption for 20 years by his stepmother says she and her daughter have been ...
The validity of Christian faith or any other truth claim is neither affirmed nor denied on the basis of who endorses it ...
James Snow has said former Robbins Police Chief Carl Scott punched him in the face and head for 10 minutes while two other ...
March 18 is Trisomy 18 Awareness Day. The condition, also called Edwards syndrome, occurs when a person has an extra ...
You can hate the death penalty and at the same time acknowledge its divine justice in the divine order of a God whose ...
Kimberly Sullivan called to report a fire, which her 32-year-old stepson later claimed he intentionally started to escape her alleged abuse and 20 years of captivity.