Woody Allen has Windsor. Wes Anderson has Futura. Why some directors make type a calling card. Some directors are known for their typographic flair—from the ultrawide tracking of Christopher Nolan’s ...
“We’re talking about Literacy 2.0, and the three components that we're introducing in partnership with Marion Regional Medical Center,” says Eddie Taylor, CEO, North Santa Barbara County ...
A Filipino nurse with family in Manila, three intertwined lives in Mumbai, a ‘self-made’ man in Karachi and the journey of a woman in Hanoi. Through four animations, the MigrationRhythms project ...
Its British charm and personality-filled geometric letterforms cement its rank among the top fonts. Futura stormed the typographic world as an instant icon of the future upon arrival in 1927. This ...
If you run Debian stable, you don't get the latest fonts, unless someone backports them actively. So this is useful to just get the latest and greatest fonts from Debian sid. It gets even worse with ...
In this post, we will explain how to restore deleted fonts in Microsoft Office. Over time, you might have removed some fonts you rarely or never use while working with MS Word, Excel, or other ...