It is a unique hardcore action RPG infused with the DNA of Dungeon & Fighter." For those unaware, Dungeon & Fighter is a highly popular MMO that launched back in 2005 and has recently begun spinning ...
There are plenty of powerful Sith in Star Wars who were only ever on the dark side, but fallen Jedi make the most powerful ...
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering,” Jedi Master Yoda told young Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. There ...
Jedi Survivor's continued lackluster performance proves EA is not out for player satisfaction, but again, that's nothing new.
Jedi Starfighter, released March 10, 2002! Explore gameplay, lore, and why it remains a beloved galactic adventure today.
How did the galaxy feel right after Order 66? A new 'Star Wars' novel gives a hit into the mood of the former Republic.
Some of the most adorable droids in the Star Wars galaxy are set to make their live-action debut in The Mandalorian and Grogu ...
FromSoft may never drop the ball, but all those trying to follow their formula have done so with mixed results.
Tears of the Nameless, a creepy Star Wars book with Jedi vs. Force-eating Nameless. Dive into Phase III before Trials of the ...
Star Wars Jedi Survivor’s mission list is comprised of six chapters in total. Each is broken down into subchapters, and of course, there are also plenty of side missions to take on as well.
Minecraft Snapshot 25W09A introduces new fallen trees at various biomes. Now, the firefly bushes spawn in Mangrove biomes rather than badlands. Finally, the leaf litter blocks have become replaceable ...