When it comes to epilepsy, a seizure is the most common and noticeable sign. However, when it comes to epilepsy in children, it is crucial to watch out for signs that may go beyond just seizures.
Several tests and an MRI later revealed that Rolstone had epilepsy, and she was diagnosed ... It’s Pretty Scary’ Never miss a story — sign up for PEOPLE's free daily newsletter to stay ...
Epilepsy: Seizure signs and symptoms are like a temporary confusion, a staring spell, uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs and more. Read here to know all about epilepsy.
Most often these signs are easily missed by parents and teachers ... A classic feature is the ability of hyperventilation to ...
Unfortunately, generalist medical practitioners have much less training and exposure to epilepsy than specialists and can only order short, routine EEGs that often fail to detect signs of epilepsy ...
Unfortunately, generalist medical practitioners have much less training and exposure to epilepsy than specialists and can only order short, routine EEGs that often fail to detect signs of epilepsy ...