Some medical topics are not for the faint of heart or those with a weaker stomach. One obvious example is that of chronic wounds and their care. As a specialist in foot and ankle medicine, I find this ...
An estimated 1 in 10 people worldwide have diabetes. Africa is the region with the fastest growth and it's estimated that the number of people on the continent with diabetes will more than double in ...
The global foot care product market is poised for substantial growth in the next decade, with the market value expected to ...
Having diabetes has serious consequences for health and is associated with increased risk of developing diseases related to ...
The best shoes for gout offer cushioning and support to help minimize discomfort during a flare-up. These are our ...
Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) remain a significant health concern worldwide, contributing to considerable morbidity, disability ...
Home podiatry care – that’s what Allevio Care Anywhere delivers! Allevio Care Anywhere provides comprehensive podiatry services, ...
In one advertisement, Fife flagged in 2023, a skin substitute representative whose company name has been redacted boasts of a ...
Detection of DFUs in clinical settings and telemedicine platforms is another game-changer. YOLO (You Only Look Once), Faster ...
Diabetic foot screening intervals could be extended beyond 1 year for patients at very low risk for diabetic foot complications.
For nurses, servers, construction workers, and many others, work means a lot of time on their feet. Repeated motions can lead ...