Medically reviewed by Jamin Brahmbhatt, MD Cloudy urine may look opaque or be off-white in color in the toilet. Urine that's ...
Cloudy urine is usually a sign of dehydration or an infection like a UTI or STI. Cloudy urine can also be a side effect of your diet or if you're taking certain medications. In rare cases ...
Alkaptonuria is characterised by a black urine discolouration that has no cure Learn all about its causes symptoms diagnosis ...
Using Patanjali products created to deal with UTI infections would be a good choice. Patanjali’s Divya Gokshuradi Guggul (64 ...
The “classic” symptoms include a more urgent need to urinate, burning or pain when urinating, and cloudy urine, among others. But some older adults may not exhibit these symptoms, particularly ...
Frequent urination can be the result of a UTI, which may also cause fever or cloudy urine. An overactive bladder causes bladder spasms and is more likely to happen to post-menopausal people.