Nighttime congestion often involves a combination of environmental triggers and abnormalities of the sinus and nasal passages that lead to swelling of tissues and/or build-up of nasal mucus. Most ...
Both symptoms are found in carotid cavernous fistula because of the flow overload in the cavernous sinus. Notwithstanding that both diseases can produce a painful visual loss, in orbital infarction ...
Other kinds of headaches that keep coming back, such as migraines or tension headaches, are often mistaken for sinus headaches. Because the treatment you need depends on the type of headache you ...
She tested positive. The illness soon spread to Tod and Tracie. “It felt like any other sinus infection,” he said. But within a week, his condition worsened. So did Tracie’s. Late on a Sunday night, ...
Sinus infections that do not clear up on their own may need treatment with antibiotics. Common antibiotics for bacterial sinus infections include the Z-pak, also ...
CT revealed a mass of slightly high density in the saddle area and cavernous sinus area that was irregular in size, about 2.4 × 2.1 × 1.8 cm, with osteolytic and distending changes, localized bone ...
Nasal and sinus cancer are rare types of head and neck cancer that develop inside the nose or paranasal sinuses. The space inside the nose is called the nasal cavity. This space warms, moistens and ...