Catholic parishes in Colorado are suing the state over whether they must abide by state non-discrimination rules to receive ...
Catholic Stickers: From Catholic Family Crate, these “Pray by Sticker” books are huge favorites of my children, and the “Story of the Cross“ edition makes an ideal basket gift. The Easter and “Mary ...
Religion is the bedrock of Lenasia
From this sense of nothingness, religiously-minded residents across the different faiths started the arduous process of building places of worship in Lenasia ...
James Keane's book Reading Culture Through Catholic Eyes highlights "50 Writers, Thinkers, and Firebrands" whose ...
During Lent, many Christians abstain from eating meat on Fridays and instead enjoy fish, leading to the tradition of fish fry Fridays.
Globally, the number of priests per 259,000 Catholics reflects regional disparities. While the ratio is higher in Africa and ...
A federal lawsuit filed Thursday on behalf of the Pregnancy Care Center of Rockford and the Catholic Diocese of Springfield ...
A judge accepted a plea agreement for Fautz Friday, sentencing the former religion teacher at St. Stephen Martyr to 19 years and seven months in prison. "My client's 40 years old. It's hard telling ...
The new law establishes that Idaho recognizes “that the right of conscience is a fundamental and inalienable right.” ...
The Diocese of Springfield in Illinois is arguing in federal court that a state “human rights” law is infringing upon its ...
Tarwater, who identified himself as a devout Catholic, said he stayed silent earlier in the week during a committee hearing on House Resolution 6016, which denounces the Satanic Grotto’s plans to hold ...
The nonprofit Apache Stronghold has argued its religious freedom case all the way to the highest court in the land. On Friday, the nine justices are meeting in conference once again, and an answer may ...