Călin Dobra, primarul Lugojului, face apel la locuitori să dea dovadă de empatie și responsabilitate pentru rezolvarea problemei câinilor fără stăpân din oraș. Scris de Diana Lupulescu-Călin Dobra, ...
Air France-KLM speră să își mențină ritmul de creștere în 2025, iar un factor surprinzător ar putea contribui la acest succes: popularitatea serialelor americane precum ”Emily in Paris”, care au ...
In its fourth quarter 2024 investor letter, Greenhaven Road Capital emphasized stocks such as PAR Technology Corporation (NYSE:PAR). PAR Technology Corporation (NYSE:PAR) offers omnichannel cloud ...
Revenue: US$7.97b (down 3.1% from FY 2023). Net loss: US$33.3m (down by 105% from US$728.6m profit in FY 2023). US$0.59 loss per share (down from US$12.14 profit in FY 2023). Revenue exceeded ...
After a fantastic opening week in Ultimate Team, the EA FC 25 Fantasy FC Team 2 squad will be released in packs very soon. More Heroes are set to be released in EA FC 25 Fantasy FC Team 2, with ...
If not, you may want to do some voter homework and read analyses done by the Public Affairs Research Council (PAR) of Louisiana. During a webinar, they gave an overview of six topics in the proposed ...
Hull City face arguably their biggest game of the Championship season to date, as they take on relegation rivals Cardiff City here in South Wales. The pair are separated by just goal difference at ...
O femeie în vârstă de 57 de ani a fost atacată, luni dimineaţă, de o haită de 11 câini comunitari, pe o stradă din Huedin, Cluj. Salvarea ei a venit de la un bărbat care a reuşit să îndepărteze ...
În urma unui incident petrecut în dimineața zilei de 23 februarie, polițiștii din cadrul IPJ Cluj, Biroul pentru Protecția Animalelor, au demarat cercetări legate de un atac cu câini vagabonzi din ...
But Doku regrets not being able to take advantage of that, often following up those successful dribbles with the wrong choice final ball, or one that was sub-par. "As an attacker it’s also very ...
GD majority leader Mamuka Mdinaradze previously described the bill as an “exact copy” of the U.S. Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). According to a press release from the GD parliament, the ...