Unprecedented honey bee attack sparks concern over public office safety and ecological impact of hive removal.
An army of experts and citizen scientists devoted to documenting and protecting the country’s native bees is telling us a lot ...
Iridescent sweat bees, hairy-faced mining bees, tiny Perdita minima the size of a gnat. Thanks to swarms of apiary ...
The Cincinnati Bengals are one of only two teams in the NFL that don't have a general manager, but it seems like they might ...
March in New England brings the earliest signs of spring. Plants that have been dormant all winter start to wake up and so do ...
The giant honeybees compose an ancient subgenus (Megapis) with several forms in Asia. The lowland form, Apis dorsataFabricius, 1793, is widespread from Pakistan to eastern Indonesia, with geographic ...
Researchers say Australia is in a unique position to prepare native species for the impacts of the Varroa destructor—a mite ...
Researchers in Portugal recently stumbled across a fossil containing the mummified remains of hundreds of bees, perfectly ...
Georgia Department of Agriculture says residents should start watching out for yellow-legged hornets. Are these murder ...
Assistant professor Saga Tatsuya of the Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, who is captivated by hornets ...