Walter White’s character, played by Bryan Cranston, in the popular series Breaking Bad is one of the most ambiguous ...
Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan has revealed he's 'troubled' by fans who hate on Walter White's wife Skyler and actress Anna Gunn.
Skyler White is Walt's wife in Breaking Bad, and the couple have a teenage son and a baby daughter. However, their marriage ...
On the dramatic series "Breaking Bad," chemistry professor Walter ... He often hung out with Walt and his family, Skyler (Anna Gunn) and Walt Jr. (RJ Mitte), alongside his wife, Marie (Betsy ...
If you watch AMC 's hit series "Breaking Bad" you probably aren't a huge fan of Walter White's wife Skyler (Anna Gunn ... cheating wife who gets in the way of Walt trying to run a successful ...
"I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger ... If you're binge-watching, "Breaking Bad" becomes as addictive as the blue meth Walt's buyers can't go without. (We recommend stopping in the ...