Overall, 10.6 percent of the children with a bipolar parent had signs of a bipolar spectrum disorder (which includes a range of symptoms from severe to less so) or a mood or anxiety disorder.
Children may cycle between the extremes more frequently and have more severe symptoms on both ends of the spectrum. »LEARN MORE:Look for these signs of bipolar disorder. difficulty completing ...
In today’s Health headlines, we’re talking about bipolar disorder awareness day, which is upcoming this month, and how to ...
Like adults, children with bipolar disorder experience extreme mood shifts. They can appear very happy and show signs of excitable behavior or seem very tearful, low, and irritable. All children ...
There are many different symptoms -- and several different types -- of bipolar disorder. The primary symptoms are dramatic and unpredictable mood swings. The types of bipolar disorder range from ...
Bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder ... Severe cases can lead to suicidal ideation (suicidal thoughts). Signs of depression in children include irritability, loss of interest in activities they ...
Those children with BPD who go on to develop bipolar disorder are also likely to exhibit frequent masturbation or genital irritability and early signs of hypersexuality. The borderline adolescent ...
Signs of bipolar disorder can vary in frequency ... people who have a first-degree relative (a parent, sibling, or child) with bipolar disorder have a 15% to 35% greater risk of developing the ...
The condition can occur in adults as well as in children and ... preventive measures for bipolar disorder. However, the following strategies can help identify early signs and prevent relapses ...