BMW Group will integrate Huawei HiCar, the Chinese tech conglomerate's car mobile app connecting devices with vehicles, into its locally produced new models in 2026, the German automaker said on ...
The B58 is a surprisingly adaptable engine and can provide varying levels of power to suit many different cars and powertrain ...
Producătorul de maÅŸini premium se aÅŸteaptă la o marjă de profit cuprinsă între 5% - 7% în 2025 la divizia auto (faţă de 6,3% ...
Chevrolet's Vortec 8100 was a powerful big block engine that could be found in many GM vehicles. However, it was eventually ...
Chinese electric vehicle maker Zeekr (ZK) will unveil a luxury model next month, targeted at luring wealthy consumers away ...
Media costului de amenajare a unui spaÈ›iu de birou în BucureÈ™ti echivalează cu preÈ›urile unui BMW Seria 5 sau un ...
Only two generations of the BMW 8 Series exist, and we missed out on two of the most incredible versions from the first generation.
Versiunea actualizată a SUV-ului electric BMW iX a intrat oficial în producÈ›ia de serie. MaÈ™inile sunt asamblate la fabrica ...
It's like my dream beauty is running on road in real. It's a amazing experience And the moment i saw this beauty running on ...
Atât BMW Seria 3, cât È™i Tesla Model 3 sunt clasificate drept sedanuri de dimensiuni medii È™i au preÈ›uri care pornesc de la ...
Prosecutors in Ocean County have charged an unlicensed juvenile in the deaths of two motorist following a shocking on-and-off ...
LicitaÈ›ia din Cluj-Napoca va începe cu preÈ›uri de 350 de lei pentru BMW È™i 200 de lei pentru Mercedes. MaÈ™inile pot fi ...