Ancient Greek and Roman statues didn't originally look like they do now in museums. A new study says they didn't smell the ...
A recent study by Dr. Ellen Green, published in the International Journal of Paleopathology, analyzed the faunal assemblage ...
A discovery in rural North Yorkshire provides an archaeological time capsule from around 2,000 years ago - and experts say ...
You don’t have to go back to school to have a rich experience at an ancient site — just make sure to bring a healthy dose of ...
Scholars debate whether the Gospel stories preserve ancient memories or are just Greek literature in disguise. But there’s a ...
Ancient Rome transitioned from a monarchy to a republic in 509 B.C., after its seventh king, Tarquin the Proud, was ...
Green, it could only be green ,” says Italian architect Antonio Girardi, as if the color of nature could not help but enter, ...
Spread the love In an ever-connected world, travel has become more accessible and desirable than ever before. From ancient ...
As much as Julius Nepos refused to recognize his legitimacy and continued to hold the title in parallel until his death in ...
This stunning seaside city is the largest city on the Mediterranean coast and once stood as Egypt's capital city for almost a ...
Some of the similarities between ancient Rome at its height and the United States are obvious — from the sheer size of both ...