AMORGÓS, Greece — For three weeks Dionysia Kobaiou has been dealing with “the anxiety and stress” of her students on the Greek island of Amorgos which has felt thousands of earthquakes.
A 5.1-magnitude earthquake struck an area of the sea between the Greek islands of Amorgos and Santorini on Monday morning, according to the Geodynamics Institute of the National Observatory of Athens.
The seismic activity in the area around the Greek islands of Santorini and Amorgos is gradually decreasing, local media reported on Monday. Remarking that over 23,500 tremors of various magnitudes ...
For three weeks Dionysia Kobaiou has been dealing with "the anxiety and stress" of her students on the Greek island of Amorgos which has felt thousands of earthquakes. She has been teaching ...
Atenas, 18 feb (Prensa Latina) Autoridades de Grecia informaron hoy sobre el registro de un nuevo terremoto de magnitud 5 en la escala de Richter entre las islas de Santorini y Amorgos. Según el ...
Atenas. La isla griega de Amorgos declaró este miércoles el estado de emergencia por una serie de temblores, después de que Santorini registrara desde finales de enero una actividad sísmica ...
La zona marítima entre las islas griegas de Amorgos y Santorini está bajo la lupa de la comunidad científica debido a una intensa actividad sísmica que no cesa desde finales de enero.
A 5.1-magnitude earthquake struck the island of Amorgos on Monday morning at 09:49, according to preliminary data from the Geodynamic Institute of Greece. The tremor, which followed a 4.1-magnitude ...
According to the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), over 16,900 earthquakes were recorded between January 26th and February 14th in the zone between Amorgos and Santorini. Two ...
For three weeks Dionysia Kobaiou has been dealing with "the anxiety and stress" of her students on the Greek island of Amorgos which has felt thousands of earthquakes. She has been teaching remotely ...
The next meeting will decide whether or not to extend the measures taken for the seismic activity in the sea area between Santorini and Amorgos.