S/ NTV Reporter/ The entry of visitors who won lottery tickets to the final panda viewing day has started.Fans visited ...
S/ NTV Reporter/ The truck carrying Ri Ri and Shin Shin is leaving for Narita Airport.Giant pandas left Japan after 13 ...
After being nominated as prime minister at the extraordinary Diet session to be convened on October 1, I will hold a general ...
The Shizuoka District Court has acquitted an 88-year-old man who was sentenced to death in 1968 over the murder of a ...
S/ Kobayashi Ken, chairman, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry:It is a time when we need a shift in every aspect, ...
S/ NTV Reporter/ There is a big image of Ohtani Shohei designed onto this plane.Japan Airlines introduced a Dodger’s ...
S/ Hakamada Iwao, Acquitted in retrial / I can't wait to say these words, but victory through acquittal has come to ...
2024年9日28日(土) 日本テレビは、昨年に引き続き、 “東京湾の環境問題”を身近に感じる事ができる官民連携のイベント 「東京湾大感謝祭2024」に 参加いたしました。 場所:横浜市役所アトリウム<神奈川県横浜市中区本町6丁目50−10> 会場は ...
半導体の巨人、台湾のTSMCが進出した熊本県菊陽町。巨大な工場の最寄りの無人駅は通勤客で溢れ返り、周辺はマンション建設が相次いでいる。地価は高騰、一気にバブル状態に。活況に沸く一方、この地域に長く暮らす人々の間には不安と戸惑いが広がっている ...