The General Confederation of Workers of Peru (CGTP, for its acronym in Spanish) today condemned the new measures of the ...
The Manuel Ascunce Domenech Provincial Hospital in Camagüey celebrates World Kidney Day, which is commemorated on the second ...
Technical-Professional Teaching students who attend the third year in the specialty of Economics in the province of Camagüey ...
The Book Fair in Camagüey is not only written in the pages of books, but also in the singularities that inhabit them. At the Casino Campestre, for example, the excellent narrator Obdulio Fenelo has ...
Canel, today remembered the legacy of the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez, 12 years after his physical ...
Like the beautiful and genuine butterfly flower that opens its petals in the first dawn of spring, the Cuban woman beat her wings in the liberating jungle to demonstrate her value and usefulness some ...
The Hanami event will be held from April 16 to 20 in this city with an invitation to discover the beauty and depth of ...
Ramala, 12 mar.- La Cancillería palestina acusó hoy a Israel de impulsar una política de hambre y sed contra Gaza al impedir ...
Camagüey, 12 mar.- Por sus resultados integrales la Unidad Empresarial de Base División de Venta de Equipos y Piezas (DIVEP) ...
La Habana, 12 mar.- El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, recordó hoy la firma por el Gobierno de Estados Unidos, hace 29 años, de la Ley Helms-Burton, con el objetivo declara ...
Camagüey, 12 mar.- Desde hoy y hasta el próximo 14 de marzo la urbe principeña será sede del Segundo Evento Internacional de Mujeres Economistas y Contadoras.
Camagüey, 12 mar.- La edición 33 de la Feria Internacional del Libro dará inicio este 13 de marzo y se extenderá hasta el domingo día 16 en su sede habitual del Casino Campestre lugareño.