Landlords of Class A buildings are benefitting from the lack of development deliveries as well as high mortgage rates.
The change was made to ensure neighborhoods would have more access to locally grown produce and fresh food options.
An Oregon investor has picked up an apartment tower in the West Loop, marking the first major downtown deal of 2025.
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson suggested to attendees at a church appearance that he will be firing several city employees ...
In Chicago's Gold Coast neighborhood, a historic home sold for $3 million, a 20% drop from its original $3.7 million listing.
The upcoming restaurant, which will go into a development called One Winnetka set to break ground this spring, is just across ...
If the earlier date is true, Chicago Cafe precedes Pekin Noodle Parlor of Butte, Montana, as the nation’s oldest ...
The local developer is planning about 25 percent of the units it previously planned on the North Side to get better lending prospects.
Owners of the Sharon Farm Market in Sharon will open 360 Market in March at State and Chapel streets, offering local food, ...
Chesterton is poised to finance the remodeling of the town hall and fire station with $2.5 million in general obligation ...
It's been two years since NASCAR's first ever Cup Series street race at the Grant Park 165 in downtown Chicago — which led to ...
Spark Lab, a program of the Paramount Theatre in Aurora for new, original theatrical works by emerging or established artists, culminates in a public showcase of the work in progress.