Spring has begun in Louisiana and flowers are blooming, but some garden plants may not grow due hardiness zones. So, here's ...
You may think using seedlings is the sure-fire approach to growing flowers, but that's not always the case. With these plants, you should go back to the basics.
Bring good fortune into your life and your garden with houseplants, flowers and herbs that are said to be extra lucky.
The first step to a great garden is knowing your planting zone but regardless of where you live, these tips can help.
March winter is wearying. Gift your yard with an early spring by planting early spring flowers. Start planning what you'll want, from snowdrops to tulips, now.
Apart from planting bulbs at the correct depth, they also need to be positioned without overcrowding. If they are packed in ...
Mid-season daffodils, 'Actaea'; 'Bridal Crown'; or Trumpet Daffodils, start to blossom in April and can last all the way ...
Although it is really chartreuse, this elephant ear's value to the landscape is pure gold--Royal Hawaiian Maui Gold, to be ...
Peonies put on a show in springtime with their beautiful and fragrant blooms. But the best time to plant peonies is in the fall. Learn more about planting and caring for peonies.
There are a few general guidelines on what types of trees are best planted in spring, according to Sharon Yiesla, a ...