Zambia's kwacha currency is expected to weaken against the U.S. dollar in the coming week, while Kenya's shilling, Nigeria's ...
Malawi’s production also fell (20%), but much less than Zambia’s. Yet the surge in soybean prices in Malawi by 48% between ...
The China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) will invest $1.4 billion to upgrade the Tanzania-Zambia railway, ...
Chinese-owned copper mines have been accused of ignoring safety, labor and other regulations in Zambia as they strive to ...
China Civil Engineering Construction Corp. will invest more than $1.4 billion to revitalize a Mao-era railway line connecting ...
About 60% of Zambia’s 20 million people live in the Kafue River basin and depend on it in some way as a source of fishing, ...
THE China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) will invest $1.4bn to upgrade the Tanzania-Zambia railway, the ...
Mozambique and Zambia on Wednesday signed an agreement aimed at interconnecting the energy systems of the two countries in order to ensure electricity supply in the Southern Africa Development ...
Rabat - Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita met today in Rabat with Caleb Fundanga, the special envoy of Zambian President ...
Poultry is one of the cheapest protein sources for the growing population of the east and southern Africa region. That makes soybeans critical to food security in the region, as they are an ...
Lights, Camera, Empowerment: Celebrating Women in Film for International Women’s Month” As the world celebrates International ...
The catastrophic failure of a tailings dam at Sino Metals’ Chambishi mine in Zambia ’s Copperbelt, releasing over 50 million litres of acidic effluent into the Mwambashi River, has reignited concerns ...