It has been a dramatic change of fortunes for the blobfish. Back in 2013, the gelatinous sea creature was declared the world’s ugliest animal.
The world's sea levels grew far more quickly and by a larger amount than anticipated in 2024, mostly due to warming water ...
The cost of shipping goods through the Red Sea is expected to remain firm after the United States carried out further ...
New species of shark, sea butterfly, mud dragon, bamboo coral, water bear, octocoral, and shrimp were just some of the marine ...
Maximo Napa was rescued in his small fishing boat after being spotted by an Ecuadoran vessel off the coast of northern Peru.
Whale poo is responsible for moving tonnes of nutrients from deep water up to the surface. Now new research shows that whales also move vast quantities of nitrogen thousands of kilometres in their ...
Deep below the surface of the ocean in the South China Sea, a robot named “discovery” searched the seafloor for life. Faxian, ...
Kuwait City has been dubbed the 'Marseilles of the Gulf' for its once booming fishing industry and coastal spots that ...
In January 1940, the destroyer HMS Exmouth was hit by a torpedo, and sank with the loss of all crew on board. Now, thanks to ...
Europe's tallest sea cliffs are an amazing sight to behold and they are not far from the UK. In fact, they're right next door.
The Southern Cross NEXT is a 15,857-kilometre (9,853-mile) network of submarine cables that links Sydney and Auckland, as ...
The local team named, the Gorillabots are one of the two Florida LEGO League teams to advance from state competitions to the ...