EXCLUSIVE: Jordan Cerf joins Linden Entertainment as the Head of Literary. A respected manager and producer, Cerf represents writers, directors and authors. Cerf moves to Linden after five years ...
Vinton "Vint" Gray Cerf (né le 23 juin 1943), chercheur et co-inventeur avec Bob Khan du protocole TCP/IP, est considéré comme l'un des pères fondateurs d'Internet. En 1976, il participe aux ...
Le cerf-volant est un engin volant plus lourd que l'air, c'est-à-dire un aérodyne, sans pilote ni passager, et manœuvré ou simplement rattaché au sol à l'aide d'un ou plusieurs fils. Il est ...
For Sale by Inventor works with inventors, retailers and consumers, with services ranging from patenting and research to selling products online. Invention services include product researching ...
Did the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation really invent Wi-Fi?Credit: Bloomberg Because on a closer reading, the story of who “invented Wi-Fi” is much more complex ...
Daily science news on research developments and the latest scientific innovations Science X Daily and the Weekly Email Newsletter are free features that allow you to receive your favorite sci-tech ...